Thursday, September 29, 2011

Phonetics Study Suggestion

Use large index cards as a study aid. 

Make one card for each group of sounds. Put a heading at the top of each card.
Draw two columns on each card, one narrow, one wide. In the left hand column, write the sound you want to review. In the right hand column, write a description (add notes if necessary). Here is a sample for velar sounds:

velar sounds
voiced v. stop

voiceless v. stop

Voiceless v. fricative (= )    

To review, cover the left-hand column with a blank card, and cover all but the top row with another blank card. You will see “voiced velar stop.” Which sound is that? Write your answer (actually writing it is more effective) on a piece of scratch paper. Check yourself by moving the left hand card down a little bit to reveal the correct answer. Try it the other way as well: cover the right hand side, and try to remember the description by looking at the IPA symbol alone.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Place and Manner of Articulation

Here is another website to play with. The Interactive Sagittal Section shows consonant articulation using a simplified animated diagram.

Consonants: Place & Manner of Articulation

When we study phonetics, we talk about consonants and vowels.

To describe consonants, we talk about voicing, place and manner of articulation.
Voicing = do your vocal cords vibrate?
Place = where do you make the sound?
Manner = how do you make the sound?

The Flash Animation Project shows vowels and consonants very clearly.

Go online and play with this website.

Friday, September 16, 2011

姓名拼音: 威妥瑪拼音 Wade-Giles (WG) 對 國語羅馬字 Gwoyeu Luomaatzyh (GR) 對 漢語拼音 Hanyu Pinyin (HP)

台灣人姓名最常見的羅馬拼音法有三種: 威妥瑪拼音Wade-Giles (WG), 國語羅馬字Gwoyeu Luomaatzyh (Gwoyeu Romatzyh, GR) 和 漢語拼音Hanyu Pinyin (HP). WG 是最古老的一種,已經有150年的歷史,同時也是缺點最多的一種中文拼音法。天才語言學家 Chao Yuen Ren 趙元任(中國語言學之父)90年前所開發的 GR 國語羅馬字(由中華民國大學部頒佈為「國音字母第二式」)徹徹底底地解決了這些問題,聲調也都用字母來標。然而十年前由中國政府正式公佈的漢語拼音使用一般鍵盤無法輸入的附加符號,使得國語羅馬字原本區分得很清楚的姓名,像{盧 Lu, 魯 Luu, 陸 Luh}, 全部混在一起,沒有學過中文的外國人無法辨認:{盧魯陸驢呂 = Lu}.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

SC Unipad Phonetics Keyboard

After you install SC Unipad, please install my phonetics keyboard.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Phonetics: Symbols

In linguistics, speaking is more important than writing. Linguistics focuses on spoken language much more than written language.

Phonetics p. 38: what we will study (2.1~2.5, 2.8)

p. 43: phonetic symbols
Click on Quickstart, then click on SC Unipad

Download SC Unipad & Mr Matthews' Keyboard

Broad Transcription 寬式音標 uses slashes //

Phonetics: My name is Robert
/fəˈnɛtɩks maɩ neɩm ɩz ˈrɑbɚt/

The Speech Communication Chain

Language Files 1.2.2 (p.7)


2: semantics 語意學
      (ideas --> words)

3: morphology 構詞學 
      (how we make words and how words change shape) and 
    syntax 句法學  
      (= which words go where)

Chinese sentence: 
     浴缸            有      鴨嘴獸
English words with Chinese syntax:
     Bathtub in  there is   platypus  -->  
English words with English syntax:
     There is A platypus in THE bathtub 

4. phonology 音系學

5. phonetics 語音學

威妥瑪式拼音 (WG) 的缺點

「威妥瑪(Wade-Giles) 羅馬拼音」的缺點甚多,絕對不適合拼姓名
「威妥瑪(Wade-Giles = WG) 羅馬拼音

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Chinese syllables; Gwoyeu Romatzyh

Syllables in Mandarin Chinese (國語 in Taiwan,普通話 in the rest of China) are traditionally split into two parts: initial and final (聲母 + 韻母). Finals can be subdivided into medial, main vowel, final consonant and tone:




C = consonant (= con [with] + son [sound] + ant)
V = vowel

﹦ㄑ +
        Ch  + iu = Chiu (Qu1)

    ﹦ㄒ + + ˊ
        Sh + yu = Shyu (Xu2)
許﹦ㄒ  + ㄩ + ˇ
        Sh + eu = Sheu (Xu3)

Notice how GR (Gwoyeu Romatzyh / Gwoyeu Luomaatzyh 國語羅馬字) very cleverly shows 1st, 2nd and 3rd tone ㄩ (iu) by changing the 1st letter of the medial: iu, yu, eu. The second half of each letter shape matches the tone mark! People who have not studied phonology (音系學) and most foreign students of Chinese have trouble understanding why GR is superior to other romanizations.

Class Requirements

1      Language Files, 10th edition
(+ optional zipper bag @ NT$20 for protection against water, dirt, creases etc.)
2     26-hole looseleaf binder
3      one pack of 26-hole graph paper
(5 mm squares)
4      one pack of index cards
(8 mm line gaps)
5      two pens: one black, one red (optional 3rd pen: one green)

#4 and #5 are available in the department office. Ask your class rep to get them for you.

First Survey

On the first day of class, you should fill out this survey to help me learn who you are. ALL students must answer these questions, even if you have been in one of my other classes. If one of your classmates was absent on the first day, please send them a text message or an email with this URL: