Thursday, March 1, 2012

Syntax Quiz (Language Files 5.1) Part B

5~10 Constituency and hierarchical structure
There are 50 states(五十州) in the US. Each state has one governor(州長). Each state has many cities. Each city has one mayor(市長). The president of the US is more important than the governor of Alaska. The governor of Alaska is more important than the mayors of the cities in Alaska. The US government has a hierarchical structure, from top to bottom (president > governor > mayor).

Sentences work in roughly the same way. Sentence are more “important” than constituents, and constituents are more “important” than words.
 "My dog loves me" = [S [NP [DET My] [N dog]] [VP [V loves][NP [N me]]]]

Fill in the correct words in the following paragraph. Choose from this list:
city constituents country groups hierarchical larger sentence state syntax words

Just like the US government, a sentence also has a 5 [~] structure. Sentences are made of 6 [~]. The words in a sentence form 7 [~]. These groups are called 8 [~]. Small groups are part of 9 [~] groups. All of the groups of words in a 10 [~] form a hierarchical structure

Answers appear below the break: