You should make a file folder. The name of the file folder should be:
1) your student number,
2) your name in Chinese, and
3) the title of your story.
Example: "9821471011廖冠勳 Don't Ever Leave Me"
Inside the folder you should put FOUR files (A~D). The name of each file should include:
1) your student number,
2) your name in Chinese, and
3) the title of your story (OR "Linguistics Report--" and the title of your story).
Example: "9821471011廖冠勳 Linguistics Report--Don't Ever Leave Me"
A) & B) Your report (linguistic analysis & story analysis) in two formats, DOC and PDF (convert your Microsoft Word document to PDF format using Open Office/Libre Office or one of these online conversion services:, or DO NOT submit DOCX files!
C) Your corrected and reformatted story PDF, with description in italics. Make sure the text is centered and that you have used the correct font size, probably Arial 8 or Arial 9.
D) Your cleaned-up and corrected ASCII text in TXT. There should be no page or picture numbers, no Xs and the text should be properly capitalized and punctuated. ASCII text means you did NOT use Microsoft Word to type your text, so there are NO CURLY QUOTES/apostrophes and strange spaces).
Here are some mistakes to avoid:
Multiple problems, including lack of spaces after punctuation |
Mistakes corrected |
The font is too large, so the pictures are completely covered. This student also forgot about syntax: the sentences are not correctly segmented.This makes them hard to read. |